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Category : Gallery

21 Jun 2018

One-Stop Shop | Mt. Yellowhead, BC

One-Stop Shop | Mt. Yellowhead, British Columbia As we were camping​ ​along the shores of Yellowhead Lake today, it was one of those perfect photo days: sky ,water, mountains, everything I could ask for. All of these features came together to produce some breathtaking photos. I’ll be sure to revisit this spot soon. On a side note, the fishing was ​great!​ Elevation: 2,488 m Mountain range: Victoria Cross Ranges Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

10 Mar 2018

Fire in the Sky | Jasper National Park

Fire in the Sky | Jasper National Park Getting out of bed at 3:30 in the morning is definitely not everybody’s cup of tea; however it paid off this time with an outstanding sunrise that lit up the sky with breathtaking color. Get Out and Explore! Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

30 Aug 2017

Working with Wildlife | Canadian Rockies

Working with Wildlife | Canadian Rockies After spending countless hours with this herd of Elk, it seemed that no matter what I did, I couldn’t capture that key photo that I was striving for, it was so frustrating. I had to settle with this, welcome to working with wildlife. Wildlife management Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

22 Jul 2017

Opportunity | Canadian Rockies

Opportunity | Canadian Rockies That moment in time where the smoke clears from the skies, one must get out and take advantage of the a beautiful day while it lasts. Oh don’t forget to bring your favorite four legged friend. Get out and Explore! Report a Wildfire Toll Free: 310-FIRE (3473) Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

02 Jul 2017

Monarch | Mt. Robson BC

Monarch | Mt. Robson BC I’m back with the Grizzlies of the Mt. Robson Valley. This young male had just fallen asleep in front of me, after I had followed him all day. He only woke when the sound of my feet cracked the dry brush beneath me. Check out those Claws! As my work in the Mt. Robson Valley and along the Fraser River continues, I’ll be sure to see my new friend again. Share with friends & family! […]

25 Jun 2017

Sundial | Canadian Rockies

Sundial | Canadian Rockies Today we have lunch surrounded by wildflowers, mountains, puffy white clouds and rivers. Another beautiful day in Buffalo Prairie. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

21 Jun 2017

Natures Fortress | Two Rivers Chaba & Athabasca

Natures Fortress | Two Rivers Chaba & Athabasca “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ~Lao Tzu On the left Mount Quincy 10334 ft. and on the right Fortress Mountain 9865 ft. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

12 Jun 2017

My Landscape| Amethyst Lakes

My Landscape| Amethyst Lakes As the fog rolls in and the light dims low these mountain peaks come alive. Although my time in the Tonquin Valley is over for the foreseeable future, its Landscapes will always be a part of me. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

22 Apr 2017

Over the Mountains | Tonquin Valley

Over the Mountains | Tonquin Valley Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed … We simply need that wild country. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

26 Mar 2017

Buffalo Prairie | Jasper National Park

Buffalo Prairie | Jasper National Park As the winter comes to an end, we won’t be able to access certain points of marshland that we enjoyed so much during the winter, another great Sunday hike with fresh coffee and snacks along the riverbed. Looking forward to some warmer weather. Get Out and Explore!   Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG: