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Tag : Athabasca River

12 Nov 2018

The Face | Mt. Fryatt N4, Jasper National Park

The Face | Mt. Fryatt N4, Jasper National Park Everything just came together in this photo, from the vertical & horizontal lines and the golden stripes from the sunrise behind me. A perfect morning Adventure. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

30 Aug 2017

Working with Wildlife | Canadian Rockies

Working with Wildlife | Canadian Rockies After spending countless hours with this herd of Elk, it seemed that no matter what I did, I couldn’t capture that key photo that I was striving for, it was so frustrating. I had to settle with this, welcome to working with wildlife. Wildlife management Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

14 Mar 2017

Wanderlust | Jasper National Park

Wanderlust | Jasper National Park Watching the sunrise on the banks of the Athabasca River with the early morning frost is something I cherish. Get Out and Explore! Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

12 Feb 2017

Mt Hardisty | Athabasca River Valley

Mt Hardisty | Athabasca River Valley The visual transformation that this mountain undergoes from summer to winter is quite drastic, the snow-covered cracks and crevices give this mountain incredible detail during the winter months. Get Out And Explore! Located in the Athabasca River Valley south of Hardisty Creek. Maligne Range, Jasper Park, Alberta Major headwater Athabasca River. Named by James Hector in 1859. Hardisty, Richard (Chief Factor in charge of the Edmonton District of the Hudson’s Bay Company for many […]

09 Jan 2017

Rising Foot Steps | Athabasca River

Rising Foot Steps | Athabasca River I was moving my equipment from one area to another when I glanced back only to notice my tracks in the snow and fog rising from the frozen Athabasca. This photo really brings to light the beauty of the morning sunrises in the winter months. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

04 Jan 2017

Mt Christie | Athabasca River

Mt Christie | Athabasca River This past week I’ve taken a break from the Pyramid Project to get out and refresh my imagination. Mt Christie did not disappoint me at all. Get Out And Explore! Info: Mount Christie is a 10,180 ft / 3,103 m mountain peak in Alberta, Canada. Based on peakery data, it ranks as the 108th highest mountain in Alberta and the 204th highest mountain in Canada Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

11 Dec 2016

Pooch | Project Pyramid

Pooch | Project Pyramid On my way home I happened to notice this proud looking pooch walking alongside the road. I quickly got out of the car and followed him to a more secluded location where I took this photo. He didn’t seem to mind my being there and almost relished in the attention. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

02 Oct 2016

Ancient Dragons | Catacomb Mountain Range

Ancient Dragons | Catacomb Mountain Range, Jasper National Park An afternoon in the presence of Dragon Peak was everything I wanted it to be. The peak itself is one of many that make up the Catacomb Mountain range, now with white puffy clouds and blue skies the opportunity to photograph Dragon Peak from different angles throughout the day was wonderful. This photo was one of many that had me thinking I’ll be back next fall. Get Out And Explore! Info:Google […]

01 Oct 2016

4 days 3 nights 45 kilometers

4 days 3 nights, 45 kilometers, perfect weather, amazing photos, Northern Lights and top it off with fly fishing deep in the heart of Canadian Rockies, couldn’t have ask for much more. Photos are being edited as we speak, the first one should be published tonight or tomorrow morning. Share with friends & family! W: IG:

08 Jul 2016

Family Time | Athabasca River Valley

Family Time | Athabasca River, Jasper National Park After spending countless hours tracking this herd of Elk over the past week, I captured this outstanding shot when the herd crossed the Athabasca River to get to a new feeding patch on the other side. The patience it takes to get a photo like this is worth it when you’re able to capture a moment in time, that most never see. Get out and Explore! Share with friends & family! W: […]