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Tag : fly fishing

29 Oct 2018

Hi I’m Tony | Yellowhead Lake, Fraser-Fort George H, BC

Hi I’m Tony | Yellowhead Lake, Fraser-Fort George H, BC As I was editing photos the other evening, I came across this gem, took me about a minute to realize that I had a giant Tony right in the middle of it, disguised as a branch. I don’t usually publish photos with people in it, but I can’t help myself it’s perfect! Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:    

11 Oct 2018

Seasons Change II | Dunster, British Columbia

Seasons Change II | Dunster, British Columbia The Church seems to have a big influence around this area, I could also see why someone would think its “God’s Country” After losing over 6 months of my life’s work, with a corrupted computer situation, I’ve learned a lot. I have also learned that you can’t get lazy backing up your work. Every photographer has a story like this in his or her career, it just happened to take me 7 years. […]

21 Jun 2018

One-Stop Shop | Mt. Yellowhead, BC

One-Stop Shop | Mt. Yellowhead, British Columbia As we were camping​ ​along the shores of Yellowhead Lake today, it was one of those perfect photo days: sky ,water, mountains, everything I could ask for. All of these features came together to produce some breathtaking photos. I’ll be sure to revisit this spot soon. On a side note, the fishing was ​great!​ Elevation: 2,488 m Mountain range: Victoria Cross Ranges Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

28 Oct 2016

Priorities | Big Bend, Jasper National Park

Priorities | Big Bend, Jasper National Park Heard the fish, saw the fish, caught the fish, no pants needed. Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:

01 Oct 2016

4 days 3 nights 45 kilometers

4 days 3 nights, 45 kilometers, perfect weather, amazing photos, Northern Lights and top it off with fly fishing deep in the heart of Canadian Rockies, couldn’t have ask for much more. Photos are being edited as we speak, the first one should be published tonight or tomorrow morning. Share with friends & family! W: IG: