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Tag : Yellowhead Lake

29 Oct 2018

Hi I’m Tony | Yellowhead Lake, Fraser-Fort George H, BC

Hi I’m Tony | Yellowhead Lake, Fraser-Fort George H, BC As I was editing photos the other evening, I came across this gem, took me about a minute to realize that I had a giant Tony right in the middle of it, disguised as a branch. I don’t usually publish photos with people in it, but I can’t help myself it’s perfect! Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG:    

21 Jun 2018

One-Stop Shop | Mt. Yellowhead, BC

One-Stop Shop | Mt. Yellowhead, British Columbia As we were camping​ ​along the shores of Yellowhead Lake today, it was one of those perfect photo days: sky ,water, mountains, everything I could ask for. All of these features came together to produce some breathtaking photos. I’ll be sure to revisit this spot soon. On a side note, the fishing was ​great!​ Elevation: 2,488 m Mountain range: Victoria Cross Ranges Share with friends & family! W: FB: @rjjohnsonphotography IG: